Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cello-bella New Song for Sale on itunes!

Our 10-song digital CD is finally available on itunes,, and other online retailers. I took some time today writing emails to everyone who sent us a request for info on the CD release date. We received some wonderful support and great encouragement in those CD request emails. I made an attempt to answer many of them with a personal touch, but I am just learning our email management program, so I hope those who receive them will forgive any mis-steps in terms of name spelling, etc. Or, for example, if you are Dave, and I called you Cheryl, please blame it on the email software :)! The software I'm using is set-up to do email blasts to thousands of fans, and we are trying to write personal notes to around 100. Not quite ready for the arena scene yet!

I have been having a great time playing with poets and storytellers in the last couple of months, and I hope to continue that work next year, in addition to continuing gigs with Cello-bella.

Hope everyone has a great holiday season!

Best wishes,